Strengthening when removing load-bearing walls in old houses


The removal of load-bearing walls inevitably weakens the structure. In most cases, even 12 cm thick bricks made of single bricks are involved in bearing the load. This was also foreseen by the designer of the building. Mass-built houses from the last century are made of skeleton of four bricks. Demolition in these walls is also dangerous and reduces their resistance. The weakening of external and internal walls in old buildings must be reliably compensated by new, reinforcing elements. The demolition of the brewery in order to merge premises, new doors and windows poses real risks to the building and should therefore be carried out with special care.


Our team designs and manufactures metal structures for the removal of internal and external load-bearing walls in old houses. The most common activities are re-supporting the top plate, framing a masonry column, opening and strengthening additional door openings in load-bearing walls.

Additional metal column

Аварийно пореподпиране на греда в ремонтиран апартамент чрез добавяне на метална колона. Основна цел при изпълнението е запазването на интериора по време строително-монтажните дейности.

метална колона в пода нова метална колона

метална колона в апартамент

Installation of reinforcing rails

Усилване на провиснала и напукана стоманобетонна плоча чрез шиниране. Увеличаване носимоспособността на плочата с минимални средства. Повишаване надеждността и при очаквано завишаване полезния товар в помещенията над нея. Необходими предпоставки за прилагането ан този метод са достатъчни дебелина на плочата и якост на бетона.

услване на провиснала плоча

Support / re-support of sagging balconies and other cantilever projections of the facade

Who are we



On-site production of metal structure, primer and paint according to the project of the assignor

Our team offers design, implementation and repair of metal structures. Installation of thermal panels, LT sheet metal. Implementation of corrosion protection, fire protection and finishing coatings. Ability to work on sites with high technological requirements, difficult and winter working conditions. Preparation and implementation of projects for metal structures in a short time and without compromise in the quality of the whole territory of Bulgaria.