Защо укрепване и реконструкция?
Около 40% от глобалните емисии на парникови газове се генерират в строителството. От Реновирай вярваме, че възстановяването и преустрояването на съществуващи сгради е силно подценяван, устойчив подход за намаляване на това негативно влияние. Чрез индивидуални проектни решения ние удължаваме живота на изпълнените от нас проекти.

Dr. Eng. Teodor Todorov
Currently: Управител на фирма „Реновирай“ от 2017 година. Експерт обследване, изпитване, диагностика, укрепване и реконструкция на зидани конструкции. Интереси в иновативните методи и технологии за усилване и възстановяване на строителни конструкции. Работи в сферата на ремонтните дейности върху сглобяеми, монолитни стоманобетонни и зидани сгради и съоръжение.
Previous experience: Старши инспектор в отдел „ИКСБЕ“ към Столична Община – Район „Средец“, технически ръководител към „Енемона“ АД, „Минно-строителна компания“ЕООД и „Евро Алианс Тунели“. Планиране и организиране на строителни дейности, количествено-стойностни сметки. Контрол по качеството на изпълнение.
Education: Doctoral and engineering degree at UACEG-Sofia. Dissertation Thesis: Restoration and strengthening of building structures with fiber-reinforced composite systems – organizational-technological and constructive solutions (autoreferate). Completed courses in „Science and Technology for Disaster Risk Reduction“,“Sustainability in Architecture“, „Critical Thinking & Problem Solving“.

Associate Professor Dr. engineer Ivan Marcovokov
Currently: Currently: Мember of the American Civil Engineering Association ASCE. Lecturer at the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia – Department of Massive Structures since 1987, and since 1992 Associate Professor at the Department of Solid Structures. Since 1994 he has been teaching the subject „Diagnostics, repair and reconstruction of buildings and facilities“. Member – co-founder of the Union of Construction Constructors in Bulgaria. Member of CEIOP. Member of: – ASCE – United States – Consulting Department 1991, Foundation: Cranfield Trust – Birmingham, United Kingdom – 1992
An expert in Ministry of Justice – № 774 (State Gazette 17/2004)
He participated in the design of many sites, as well as in the preparation of technical expertise.
Previous experience: Previous experience: He participated in reconstruction works and rescue teams after the earthquakes in: 1977 – town of Svishtov; 1977 – town of Velingrad, Bulgaria;
1986 – Strazhitsa; 1988 – Spitak, Armenia;
Since 1980 until 1998 he participated and led working groups to identify the causes of major industrial accidents and liquidation of their consequences – TPP „Devnya,“ „reactor – extractor“ – Devnya; „Plant for polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride – Devnya; – „Agropolychim“ – Stara Zagora; „Metalhim“ – Byala Slatina; – Star Asparuhov Bridge – Varna; „Third Metallurgical Base“ – Debelt – Bourgas District;
Specializes in Novosibirsk Institute of Civil Engineering „Mechanics of destruction of steel structures“ and „Evaluation of seismic risk“ back in Russia. He also defended a dissertation at UACEG on „Damage and collapse in construction and prevention measures“. He supervised the execution of the V and VI block construction at the Kozloduy Bulgarian nuclear power plant.
Education: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Ivan Marchokov graduated from the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG), Sofia in 1974 with specialty „Industrial and civil engineering“ with excellent success.
Dissertations and Specializations:
– 1975 NISI – Novosibirsk – Russia on topic:
„Mechanics of the destruction of steel structures“;
– 1980 CENISK „im.KUCHERENKO“ – Moscow, Russia on topic:
„Seismic Risk Assessment“;
– 1980 VIAS – Sofia, Bulgaria: „Damage and collapse
in construction and measures to prevent them „;
– 1989 VELISI – Volgograd, Russia on the topic: „Exploitation
security and restoration of industrial buildings and
after explosive and fire impacts „;
– 1991 MISI – Moscow, Russia on the topic: „Technology for
restoration of building structures and facilities „;

Eng. Ina Ilieva
Currently: Engineer - designer of geodesy, Site Manager, OHS official, OSH coordinator at BIAD-S
Previous experience: Geodetic measurements and surveys, GPS measurement, tracing, cadastre, vertical planning, cartography, photogrammetry, remote sensing of the Earth. Deformation monitoring, geodetic measurement of crane tracks. Control during construction works. Urbanico, Geotechnical Engineering.
Education: Surveying engineer - UACEG, official for control over the observance of healthy and safe working conditions. Safety and health coordinator during design and safety and health coordinator during construction. Control over the quality of construction execution, for compliance of the construction products used in the constructions with the basic safety requirements. Submission of EEDOP, CAIS EEDOP.

arch. Alina Delieva
Currently: Architect at Podemconsult Ltd. Researches and designs part architecture of investment projects in phase:
Conceptual, technical and working design.
Advises the assignor and assists him in preparing the terms of reference.
Performs preliminary or volumetric - structural research depending on the assigned task.
Performs design in accordance with the terms of reference of the current regulations.
Compiles explanatory notes, quantitative and quantitative value accounts of the "Architecture" part of the technical or working design. Coordinates and coordinates the developed project with designers of the other project parts.
3D product visualization.
Prepares interior projects up to phase: working design.
Previous experience: Drawing the set objects, according to the project and observing all the requirements set in the terms of reference. Preparation of technical drawings according to project and assignment. Preparation of sketches according to the conceptual design.
Education: Bachelor - Construction and Architecture of Buildings and Facilities (SASS) - VFU "Lyuben Karavelov".
Master - Architecture and Bachelor - SSS at VFU "Lyubena Karavelov" Sofia.
Additional qualifications - Additional training "Computer technology for architects - Archicad 18" - UACEG

Chief Assist. Dr. Eng. Vasil Georgiev
Currently: Chief Assistant in the Department of Metallic Wooden and Plastic Structures – UACG, designer of construction structures and facilities in Beta Consult 1 and Proremu Ltd.
Member of CEPI with PPP since 2011; Member of IABSE – „International Association of Bridge and Structural Engineering“.
Design, consulting and supervision of the manufacture and installation of steel structures. Assessment of serviceability. Design of new and reinforcement of existing reinforced concrete structures. Experience in the investigation of metal structures. Participation in numerous technical expertise, a large number of constructive opinions have been prepared.
Specialist in the design of thin-walled structures – tanks, silos, bunkers.
Previous experience: Experience in the supervision of the production of metal constructions, the evaluation of the quality of the welds. Expert activity in assessment of residual operational life of steel structures, technical assessment, reinforcement and reconstruction projects
Solid experience in the design of thin-walled constructions – tanks, silos, bunkers. Chief designer or designer in designing more than 50 steel vertical tanks, most of which are already built in different countries of Europe, Asia and Africa.
Team participation in the design of some large treatment plants for cities such as Rousse, Pazardzhik and others. Experience as a technical manager in the construction of large residential reinforced concrete buildings and complexes with a total area of 3000 to 5000 m², sports facilities, complexes, etc.
Member of AWS – American Welding Association until 2011, former member of the Bulgarian Welding Union.
Education: Educational and scientific degree Doctor, acquired in 2015, Master in Construction of Buildings and Structures from 2008, Hristo Botev Technical School, Sofia, completed in 2003. Specialization in Florence (Italy) in 2009 on „Natural and Human Dangers, Chain of Risk“ – lectures on seismic, wind, geotechnical and flood risks.
Specialist – Visual inspection of welds according to EN 473, level 2

Assist. Dr. Eng. Boyan Petrov
Currently: Chief Assistant Assistant in Building Materials and Insulations – UACEG, specialist in building materials, testing of building materials and products, conformity assessment. Investigation and testing of building structures by destruction (compressive strength, by cutting of semples from the structure, degree of carbonization, tensile strength of the reinforced concrete reinforcement) and non-destructive method (determination of quantity, depth and position of steel reinforcement, determination of the degree of corrosion of reinforced concrete reinforcement, probabilistic strength of structural steel, probabilistic strength of concrete, etc.). Investigation of difficult accessible structures by the industrial mountaineering method. Design of waterproofing.
Previous experience: Participating in over 50 technical and constructive expert assessments of industrial and public buildings and facilities, including team leader. Consultant, Concrete Department of Sika Bulgaria EOOD.
Education: Master of Engineering „Transport Construction“ – UACEG