New life for your construction offers the services of a leading team of proven experts in the field of reconstruction, strengthening and restoration of building structures and their elements.
New life for your construction offers the services of a leading team of proven experts in the field of reconstruction, strengthening and restoration of building structures and their elements.
Strengthening and reconstruction of buildings
Renovate offers a wide range of activities covering the reinforcement, restoration and reconstruction of existing building structures, at all stages of a construction and investment project.
Strengthening and reconstruction of buildings
Renovate offers a wide range of activities covering the reinforcement, restoration and reconstruction of existing building structures, at all stages of a construction and investment project.
Strengthening and reconstruction of buildings
Renovate offers a wide range of activities covering the reinforcement, restoration and reconstruction of existing building structures, at all stages of a construction and investment project.

Част от нашите клиенти, които ни се довериха


The specificity of each site requires competent opinion from different specialists. That is why our tasks are divided or solved in a team.


Quality design and execution not only reduce the costs incurred by the partiesfor the final product but furthermore they ensure a long and safe runtime for the construction.


Accurate determination of the current and predicted state of a construction provides guarantee of a complete solution of all of its constructional issues which might arise.


При избора на видими строителни интервенции, основно изискване към тях е те да запазят или подсилят усещанията за качество, хармония, симетрия и сигурност.


Within our practice priority is taken by introducing the client with the different action plans in order to maximize the execution of his requirements and needs.


Our individual solutions offer an optimal balance between quality, interventions duration and price, without compromising on security.
