Filling cracks and replacing masonry mortar in the load-bearing walls of a two-story house

Compromised retaining wall activates movement processes in the soil. The yielding of the retaining wall causes subsidence in the strip foundations of the house in the immediate vicinity.

After duplication of the retaining wall and observations on the development of cracks in the facade, a decision was made to restore the structural integrity of the affected masonry. The processes of movement, as well as the cycles of freezing and thawing during the winter seasons, have deeply compromised the masonry mortar around the formed cracks.

Мерките за конструктивно възстановяване обхващат целите засегнати участъци. Ръчно и механично премахване на компроментирания варов разтвор и заменянето му в дълбочина с циментов. Аналогична процедура за запълване на пукнатини е приложена и за каменната зидария по периметъра на къщата.

Filling cracks in masonry

Structural filling and sealing of cracks in load-bearing, brick walls of a house.